Bus for Pokhara:

When you visit Pokhara city, you will have to reserve the required seats in advance either online or at the bus counter. There are many travel agencies which help to reserve the seats. The price is not so costly. It depends upon the facilities. Tourist buses cost more than other common buses. Micro buses are also cheaper, faster and more comfortable. The rate of each passenger is average from 5 to 21 US dollars on the basis of the facilities.

Bus station in Pokhara:

If you would like to catch a taxi from your place to the bus station, you will have to pay between 2 to 5 US dollars depending upon the distances. You had better catch a meter taxi which charges on the basis of the distance after you are picked up. It seems more reliable and valid rather than negotiable.

Bus station from Kathmandu to Pokhara:

Kathamandu Bus Station in

If you are staying at Thamel, you are highly recommended to go on foot to the bus station or catch a taxi. It might not take long, but if you catch a local bus to go to the buspark from your place, it might take a long time because of the traffic jam. After catching the bus, it takes about 30-40 min to get out of the Kathmandu valley.