Volunteering in Nepal


As you might know, Nepal remain one of the poorest country in the world and many foreigners come here to make volounteer work. The Government of Nepal works very hard to get tourists and volunteers come to Nepal as the country depends upon the tourist trade on a great deal. The tourists from everywhere have always been made to feel welcomed and secured by the Nepalese people (but not the maoist). There are many people who visit Nepal and opt for social service too. Volunteering in Nepal is very popular and there are many people who come here every year to offer their services and professional skills to support the underprivileged and needy.


When you visit Nepal you can get the opportunity to volunteer in the NGO’s that are situated in and around Nepal. These NGO’s have the sole mission of providing volunteers customized programs that enable them to make an important contribution to the people in Nepal. Volunteering in Nepal is popular for people from all over the world and there are many people from different countries that come to this land to serve in the orphanages and host families every year.


When you opt for volunteering in Nepal you are provided with a safe and enriching experience. There is a flexible approach that enables you to suit your individual needs and availability. There are some NGO’s that provide their volunteers the benefits of trekking, rafting, bungee jumping, jungle safari, mountain flights and a lot more.


When you opt for volunteering in Nepal you are provided with training depending on the length of your program. The training program that is inculcated to you introduces you to the Nepali language, the Nepali culture, understanding the Nepali language and the Nepali people. When you volunteer your services in Nepal there are very few people who speak English and this is the reason why the training program that is inculcated to you includes rigorous Nepali language speaking skills.


The training program that is offered to volunteers is divided into a number of phases. When you enter the first phase of the training program you are often exposed to around two to three hours of Nepali language training sessions. For those who want to make voulouteering in Nepal, we highly recommend to learn nepalese. You also get a lot of cultural information on safety issues. After this there is a discussion on placement of your services.


In the case of accommodation and food volunteers normally receive breakfast and lunch. Depending on your availability during the training you can opt for a single room or share a room with a same sex volunteer. The rooms are equipped with a hot water shower and western style toilets. The food that is served to you is Nepali dishes (Dal Bhat). If you wish to take a break you can go out for sightseeing, relaxation, shopping and other activities.


With volunteering services you can teach at a school, assist in an orphanage home, improve community health and environment awareness, school and community maintenance, village planting and harvesting, audit with journalists and reporters in Kathmandu, cultural exchange, assist in rural village medical centers and record oral histories, legends and myths in village life.


There are many NGOs that are dedicated to arrange and provide for volunteers to come to Nepal and be immersed in its culture. These NGO’s place volunteers into the homes of Nepali families where they share the daily activities and chores of the family. There are many people who come from every nook and corner of the world to volunteer for the social service in Nepal.




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